Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Cuba Day 7, January 16, 2024

Our last day in paradise, is always a little melancholy on this beautiful sunny day. Saying goodbye to the wonderful Cubans we have met. We are bringing back lots of loonies and toonies which we have exchanged for bills as banks will only take paper money in exchange for pesos. Some visitors tip with coins which have no value. It is a hard life in Cuba. They are so grateful for any help.

At the Port Royal pavilion it was Spanish day with a tasty paella for lunch. One last swim and walk on the beach. The water was incredibly calm compared to yesterday. Gilberto’s band was playing again at the Rock House. I was happy to pass on a few sets of bass strings to the bassist, the last of what I brought down for musicians.

Tonight’s final dinner is Japanese, then to pack for tomorrow’s bus ride to the airport at 7:30am. We should be home at around dinner time. Not looking forward to the snow and cold but happy we are being picked up by Red Car for a stress free ride.

1 comment:

Day 7, Samana, Dominican Republic, January 22, 2025

Our last day. While we were having breakfast in the al fresco area, there was a flurry of activity with boats about 500 yards off shore. It ...