Monday, 3 September 2018

Milos, Greece, Day 4

My day started when my alarm went off at 8:30. My job was to go to the fish market for tonight's dinner. We checked the day before and the owner said tomorrow at 9 we open. I waited and waited then went home empty handed. We decided to go to Sarakiniko after breakfast but had to try the market one more time, a ten minute brisk hot walk each way. The fish I was after was Dorada, a gilt-head bream, a fav. It was open and yes he had lots of big ones for 12 Euros per kilo, a good price but when I asked if he could clean it, he said no, not until tomorrow when the lady comes in, so no fish tonight my darling. Tomorrow I'll be back.

We caught the bus to Sarakiniko at 11. It runs every two hours. Words to describe this location escape me. The pictures will have to do the talking. The specs you see on the white rocks are people. We stayed for two hours, had a swim and did some exploring. The swimming was not the greatest as it was silty with a gravelly bottom, but the location was out of this world beautiful. 

We stopped for a late lunch in Adamas. On the way home we picked up some groceries for dinner, chevap (skinless sausages of beef, lamb, and pork) and Italian bubbly.  With bags in hand, we started home. I failed to look down and had a collision with a step on a narrow footpath. Down I went tumbling wondering if I would survive. The bubbly did not break and neither did any parts of my body, but lots of bruises and trauma … skinned knee, arm, elbow, wrist, back … my toe, the initial point of contact, did not fair very well. How come in this split second I did not follow my own advice to look down while walking? Rules are meant to be broken when you are having the time of your life. 

Back home, a swim at our beautiful beach and then a shower, glasses of wine, all is good, and looking forward to dinner on our terrace.


  1. I hope you were not too sore the next morning.

  2. Just a little but enough to remind me to look down when walking.

  3. I screwed up on my google sign in so have to comment as Anonymous. This place looks awesome with the beautifully shaped white rocks against the deep blue water. Great photo of you, your dress. You too, Peter...looking good.❤️

  4. Something worked finally. Kept typing different messages and none would publish in any area, but now Google works.
    You are so lucky that you didn't hurt yourself more. You are now wiser which is always good.


Day 7, Samana, Dominican Republic, January 22, 2025

Our last day. While we were having breakfast in the al fresco area, there was a flurry of activity with boats about 500 yards off shore. It ...